Intervju sa PROGRAMSKIM UREDNIKOM DANCE ARENE // Interview with program editor of DANCE ARENA
SRB: Konačno smo uspeli da uradimo intervju sa KAREN YOUNG, programskim urednikom naše omiljene DANCE ARENE EXIT FESTIVAL-a. Ona je uspela da odvoji malo vremena za naš portal i da joj postavimo par zanimljivih pitanja za koja sigurno znamo da vas već dugo dugo zanimaju odgovori. Od toga kako se odlučuje koji će DJ-evi gostovati, koliko se gledaju želje fanova, zašto do sad nisu gostovali Armin, Tiesto, pa do produkcije same ARENE i ozvučenja.
ENG: Finally we succeeded to finish our interview with KAREN YOUNG, EXIT FESTIVAL-DANCE ARENA program editor. She made it to get some spare time for our site and answer us on few interesting questions, which you are surely eager to hear. How and who is deciding which DJ will perform, how important are the wishes of the audience, why Armin and Tiesto never performes on festival, production and organization of the arena itself…
SRB: Pozdrav. Za početak da li nam možeš reći kako je uopšte počela tvoja saradnja sa Exit Festivalom i da nam opišeš šta je tačno tvoj posao?
ENG: Hello! First of all, tell us how your cooperation with EXIT Festival started, and what is your job exactly?
SRB: Ja sam došla na EXIT 2002. godine kada sam bila novinar za časopis elektronske muzike “MUZIK” iz Londona i tada sam napisala prvi internacionalni članak u vezi festivala. Pozvana sam da pomognem sa bukinzima pošto imam dosta kontakata iz sveta elektronske muzike i od tad ja bukiram DJ-eve za DANCE ARENU i takodje promovišem festival po svetu. Moj posao sad pokriva mnogo stvari, od bukiranja talentovanih DJ-eva, asistiram takodje i vezi bukinga vezanih za MAIN STAGE, reklamiram i promovišem festival internacinalno i nadgledam da sve prodje idealno i glatko na Dance Areni tokom festivala sa zaista sjajnim timom.
ENG: I came to EXIT in 2002 when I was a journalist for the electronic music magazine MUZIK in London and I wrote one of the first international articles on the festival. I was asked to help with bookings then as I had many contacts in the electronic scene and from there I booked the Dance Arena and also promoted the festival internationally. My job now covers a lot, I book the talent, assist with Main Stage bookings also, international marketing and promotion, and oversee the smooth execution and running of the Dance Arena with a great team.
SRB: Kada počinju pripreme za novo izdanje EXIT Festivala? Naravno, u vezi tvog posla, kada uspostavljas prve kontakte sa menadzerima i bukinzi DJ-eva za sledeće izdanje?
ENG: When do preparations for the next festival start? Of course, all this related to your job – when do you usually start negotiations with performers’ managements, and at which point are DJs booked for next festival?
SRB: Ja počinjem sa radom u septembru, a izvodjači su potvrdjeni već uglavnom u januaru i februaru. To je jedan stvarno dugačak proces, jer mi imamo dosta manji budžet s kojim funkcionišemo od drugih festivala zbog manje cene festivalske karte, ali ipak izadjemo nekako na kraj da svi budu zadovoljni.
ENG: I start in September generally and acts are usually confirmed around January and February. It’s a long process because we have a smaller budget than other festivals due to the lower ticket prices than other festivals but we get there in the end.
SRB: Kako odlučujete koje ćete DJ-eve dovesti, koliko vas učestvuje u tim odlukama i po kojim principima odlučujete koje će zvezde gostovati na Dance Areni? Da li obraćate pažnju na trenutnu popularnost DJ-eva, staru slavu ili nešto drugo?
ENG: How do you decide on which DJs you are going to book, how many of your are involved in the choosing process, and what are the principles of deciding which stars will be performing at Dance Arena? Do you choose based on current popularity, old glory, or something else that might apply to those DJs?
SRB: Može se reći da mi ustvari pokušavamo da zadovoljimo sve, od fanova i njihovih želja i ukusa, kao i rasporeda nastupa DJ-eva. Ja saradjujem sa sjajnim timom, gledamo ko koga želi da bukira i koje jako popularan trenutno u Srbiji, pa onda izvodjače koji su trenutno mejnstrim, pa do toga koji su kul i zanimljivi. Mislim da uspemo na kraju da zadovoljimo različite ukuse i da bude za svakog po nešto.
ENG: It’s a bit of everything really and a juggling act getting the balance right to cater to various tastes and dj’s schedules. I collaborate with the team, see who everyone wants and book acts that are popular in Serbiaand internationally, acts who are mainstream and acts that are cool and cutting edge acts. I think that we cover the different tastes fairly.
SRB: Kako je bilo u početku, a kako sada po pitanju dovodjenje DJ-eva? Da li je sada EXIT-u lako dovesti najbolje zvezde EDM scene ili je potrebno dosta truda da bi se bukirali?
ENG: What is the difference between the beginning and today, in terms of booking DJs for the festival? Is it perhaps easier today for EXIT to bring the biggest stars of the EDM scene, or does it take a lot of effort to get them to participate?
SRB: Exit je bio jedan od prvih internacionalnih festivala u Evropi i tada je bilo mnogo manje festivala za same izvodjače i bilo je mnogo lakše da se bukiraju. Sada je to mnogo teže jer je konkurencija velika i cene DJ-eva su postale astronomske, ali ipak uspevam nekako, od raznih usluga pa do toga da prodajem svoju dušu djavolu :), ali znate da je ovaj festival jedinstven i meni jako specijalan, i ne samo meni neko i DJ-evima koji cene jako ovaj festival i znaju koje su EXIT-ovi limiti i uvek pomažu jedni drugima. EXIT je stvarno jedinstven festival na svetu, a DANCE ARENA je mesto kao nigde drugde na celom svetu, i osecaj DJ-eva kada puštaju i da budu tu kada sunce izlazi, jednostavno drugi festivali ne mogu da se takmiče sa tim.
ENG: Exit was one of the first international festivals that made headlines in Europe and back then there were a lot less festivals for the acts to choose from so it was easier to book. Now it’s a lot harder due to competition and DJ fees being astronomical. But I do the best I can, pulling in favours and selling my soul to the devil at times, but you know the festival is so unique and special to me and to the performers that they do appreciate that Exit has it’s limitations in certain areas but it makes up for it in others. Exit really is one of the most unique festivals in the world, and the Dance Arena is unlike anywhere to perform and to be in when the sun comes up, other festivals can’t compete with that.
SRB: Koliko obraćate pažnju na želje publike i fanova EXIT-a pri odabiru koga dovestina sledeći festival?
ENG: How much attention is paid to audience and fan requests regarding participants at the festival?
SRB: MNOGO!!! Mi gledamo želje fanova, diskutujemo i razmatramo sve opcije zajedno kao tim, ja takodje dosta pričam sa raznim ljudima iz sveta muzike u Srbiji da bi dobila njihovo mišljenje i da bi uspeli da napravimo najbolji mogući line-up, ne samo mejnstrim izvodjače, već i andegraund izvodjače kao i muzičare koji propagiraju neku noviju muziku tako da EXIT festival ima jedan od najraznovrsnijih i uvek svežih line up-ova.
ENG: A lot! We look at what the fans request, we discuss all options and possibilities within the team, I also speak to a lot of tastemakers and get opinions from many music sources in Serbia in order to get the best line up possible, one that not only appeals to the mainstream but also the underground and also offers new music and acts so that Exit has one of the most upfront and diverse festival line ups.
SRB: Mnogo klabera u Srbiji zanima zašto, i posle više od deceniju postojanja Dance Arene, nisu gostovali prave trance zvezde kao Armin Van Burren, Tiesto, Markus Schulz i Paul Van Dyk? Da li je problem do produkcije, menadzera ili čisto programske politike Dance Arene?
ENG: A lot of clubbers in Serbia are interested in why, after more than a decade of Dance Arena, have some of the biggest trance stars, such as Armin Van Burren, Tiesto, Markus Schulz and Paul Van Dyk not performed at the festival? Does it have to do with programming, management, or simply Dance Arena’s program policy?
SRB: Postoji sasvim mala linija izmedju EDM-a i trensa i ja mislim da smo uspeli da pokrijemo taj segment.
ENG: There is a fine line between EDM and trance and I think we cover that bracket.
SRB: Koliko je bitna produkcija, ozvučenje i sam izgled bine u procesu dovodjenja DJ-eva? Da li velike zvezde imaju jako velike zahteve po tom pitanju?
ENG: How important are the production, sound system and the visual design of the stage in terms of booking DJs? Do some of the biggest stars have high demands when it comes to these aspects of the festival?
SRB: Stvarno je jako važno da imamo sjajan šou i vizuelno, a isto tako i zvučno. Zvuk na Dance Areni je jedan od najboljih na svetu, a gledajući samo produkciju pojedaničnih izvodjača, neki nastup je veći od drugih, jer je to isto i njihov nastup takodje, jako je bitno da nastup bude sjajan i za izvodjača i festivalsku publiku, a mi uvek želimo najbolji mogući ishod, tako da uvek usko saradjujemo sa DJ-evima da bi sve ispalo na najbolji mogući način.
ENG: It’s really important to have a great show visually as well as sonically. The Dance Arena sound is one of the best in the world and regarding the artist’s production, some shows are bigger than others, none are demanding because it’s their show too, it’s a matter of putting on a great show for both the artist and the festival go-ers and we want the best possible outcome so we work closely with the artists to make it happen in the best possible way.
SRB: Kada je bila proslava 10.godina Dance Arene odlučili ste se za sada već čuvene b2b setove i nastupe najpoznatijih DJ-eva, da li možemo u skorije vreme da očekujemo opet takvo izdanje na Areni?
ENG: At Dance Arena’s 10th anniversary, you decided to book now very well-known b2b sets and joint performances by some of the biggest DJing names in the world. Can we expect something like this again at the Arena?
SRB: NARAVNO DA MOŽETE! Ja sada već sastavljam line up kao 2009. godine i uskoro će biti objavljen. Stvarno je veliki izazov sastaviti sve te dj-eve da puštaju b2b kao ni na jednom drugom festivalu do sad, tako da opet ovi setovi izdvajaju EXIT od drugih festivala.
ENG: You sure can! I’m feverishly putting together a line up to top 2009’s and soon all will be revealed. It’sreally quite a challenge to get all these acts to play b2b and no other festival has done this before orsince, so that again sets Exit apart from the rest.
SRB: Vi ste sigurno veliki ljubitelj elektronske muzike čim se bavite tim poslom, da li se nekad desilo da po vašem ličnom ukusu i želji dovete nekog DJ-a? Jel imate vi neku želju da vidite nekog na EXIT-u, a još nije gostovao?
ENG: You must be a big fan of electronic music, as your job relates to it; have you ever booked a DJ based on your personal preference? Is there a name you would like to see and hear performing at EXIT who has not performed yet?
SRB: Ja sam imala to zadovoljstvo da bukiram do sad skoro sve izvodjače koje sam htela da vidim i čujem. Volela bi još ove godine da čujem “The Chemical Brothers” i Prince-a, moj najdraži izvodjač na svetu. Ali tu je jedan b2b nastup koji sam videla 2002. godine u New Yorku koji ću omogućiti ove godine na Dance Areni i biće spektakularno. Takodje ćemo ugostiti jedan nastup koji se opet ujedinio, tako da će biti baš kul. Biće dosta i novih nastupa, ali i nekih starih i biće zaista sjajno i puno zabave.
ENG: I’ve had the pleasure of booking pretty much all the acts I’ve wanted to see. Though I would have loved The Chemical Brothers to play this year, and Prince, my all time favourite act. But there is one b2b which I saw in 2002 in New York City which I’m making happen this year, and it will be spectacular. We are also hosting an act who have reunited, so that is going to be very cool. There will be a lot of new acts and some oldies so it’s really going to be a lot of fun.
SRB: Prošlogodisnji EXIT je proglašen za najbolji u Evropi, a tome je sigurno i dosta doprinela i Dance Arena koja je oborila sve rekorde po posećenosti. Da li i ove godine očekujete obaranje rekorda? Da li će i dalje petak biti rezervisan za ljubitelje techno muzike, a subota za malo komercijalni zvuk?
ENG: Last year’s EXIT has been named Best Major European Festival, and we are sure Dance Arena and its record-breaking attendance had a big part in this recognition. Do you expect another break of this record? Will Friday once again be reserved for techno music lovers, whereas Saturday will feature a bit more commercial sound?
SRB: Ja verujem da je odigrala veliku ulogu, ali takodje i dokaz o godinama vrednog rada i drugih odeljaka festivala, kao i sama organizacija, marketing, PR, produkcija… Stvarno mnogo posla i truda se ulaže u festival i tako konstantno godinama već i svi zaslužuju priznanje za ovo što je učinjeno i gde je festival sada. DA, petak će biti techno, subota će biti komercijalna sa andergraund završetkom, a nedelja super kul.
ENG: I believe it played a huge part, but also it’s a testament to the years of great work of other departments too, organization team, marketing, PR, production… A LOT of work goes into this festival and has done for so many years, and everyone deserves recognition in making the festival what it is today. It’s an incredible achievement and one that everyone should be very proud of. I do hope we win the UK FestivalAwards this year, then we have had a truly incredible year! Yes, Friday is techno and Saturday will be commercial with a more underground finish, and Sunday, is uber cool
SRB: I za kraj pitanje, da li ćemo i ove godine biti zadovoljni izborom DJ-eva koje dovodite? Hoće li za svakog ljubitelja el. muzike biti po nešto da se čuje i vidi?
ENG: And lastly, will we be once again pleased with the list of DJs performing at the festival? Is there going to be something special for each and every lover of electronic music?
SRB: Nadamo se da ćete biti zadovoljni i naravno da će biti za svakog ponešto, a definitivno će biti jedna velika žurka.
ENG: I hope you will be pleased and yes there will be something for everyone… definitely it will be a very big party!