Ovaj intervju je posvećen isključivo onim rejverima koji su ostali do poslednjeg dana Lovefest-a i isključivo za one koji su došli u 23.15 h da odslušaju set Mind Against-a.

Iako su puštali prilično rano, to ih nije sprečilo da budu ono što jesu. Sa potpuno novim setom i puštanjem traka kao što su “Days Gone” i “Portal”, samo iskusne uši mogle su prepoznati kvalitet ovog seta i uživati u njemu.

Alessandro i Federico čine duo Mind Against. I to je apsolutno sve što ću reći o njima, jer njima ne treba neko veliko predstavljanje. Oni su veliki sami po sebi.

Želim da iskažem svu svoju zahvalnost svim Lovefest organizatorima,kao i Mind Against-u, koji su nakon 12 h leta i odrađenog seta, odgovorili na moja skromna pitanja.

Alessandro i Federico, hvala Vam što ste izuzetni ljudi i dobri prijatelji, Vaša muzika će se zauvek pamtiti.

Uz dužno poštovanje prema svima vama, kao i samim izvođačima, sve reči biće prevedene.


This Interview is dedicated exclusively to all ravers who managed to stay until Lovefest’s very last day and exclusively for those who came at 23.15 h to listen Mind Against’s set.

Although they played pretty early, that didn’t stop them being what they are. With a brand new set and playing track like “Days Gone” and “Portal”, only ears with experience could recognize the quality of this set and enjoy it.

Alessandro and Federico are duo called Mind Against. And this is absolutely everything I will say about them, because they do not need any great representation. Their greatness speaks for them.

I want to express my gratitude to all Lovefest to organizers, as well as to Mind Against, who, after 12 h- flight and a set, could manage to answer my modest questions.  

Alessandro and Federico, thank you for being exceptional people and very good friends, your music will always be remembered.

With all due respect to all of you, as well as the performers themselves, all the words will be translated.


ENG: Recently you released track called “Portal” for Afterlife. What is your portal for another dimension where you actually find any inspiration?

SRB: Nedavno ste objavili traku pod nazivom “Portal” za Afterlife. Koji je vaš portal u drugu dimenziju gde zapravo pronalazite bilo kakvu inspiraciju?

ENG: For us, portal for another dimension can be exactly that track. In this track you can hear inspiration from movie soundtrack, actually an emotional movie soundtrack and yea, that’s where we find our inspiration, but it’s just not that of course, it is a mood that you need, it’s a flow.

SRB: Za nas, portal u drugu dimenziju može biti upravo ta traka. U ovoj traci možete čuti inspiraciju iz filmske muzike, zapravo emocionalne filmske muzike i da, tu nalazimo našu inspiraciju, ali nije to sve naravno, to je raspoloženje koje vam je potrebno, to je flow.

ENG: You are a part of Afterlife family. What is the feeling?

SRB: Deo ste porodice Afterlife. Kakav je osećaj?

ENG: So far, Afterlife has been the right platform for us on which we released most of the stuff we did recently. We are friends first and we feel like home every time we play with the guys and all the artists from the label.

SRB: Do sada, Afterlife je bila prava platforma za nas za koju smo izdali većinu stvari koje smo nedavno radili. Prvo smo prijatelji i osećamo se kao kod kuće svaki put kada sviramo sa momcima i svim ostalim  umetnicima sa etikete.

ENG: In your tracks we can always hear and feel some kind of electricity that goes straight through your body. Why did you decided to go for that sound?

SRB: U vašim trakama uvek možemo čuti i osetiti neku vrstu elektriciteta koja prostruji direktno kroz telo. Zašto ste se odlučili baš za takav zvuk?

ENG: 5 years ago we released the “Cagliostro” and it was the right sound and the right direction to take. It was what we liked, there was a lot of influence from early 2000s IDM stuff like Apex Twin or Squarepusher which inspired us to take a bit of that and maybe adapt to more techno influence. That is what we needed at that specific moment, so we went from there and took that direction.

SRB: Pre 5 godina smo izdali “Cagliostro” i to je bio pravi zvuk i pravi pravac kojim je trebalo krenuti. To je ono što nam se dopadalo, bilo je mnogo uticaja IDM stvari iz ranih 2000-ih godina, kao što su Apex Twin ili Squarepusher, što nas je inspirisalo da se ugledamo na to i  možda naš zvuk prilagodimo više techno- u. To nam je bilo potrebno u tom trenutku, odatle smo počeli i odlučili se za taj pravac.

ENG: What are your next plans about production and is there something new coming for Afterlife label?

SRB: Koji su vaši sledeći planovi kada je u pitanju produkcija i da li se sprema nešto novo za Afterlife?

ENG: We don’t have many plans to release for Afterlife at the moment. It might happen, it’s always very last minute with them. We make a record and we work like two, three months to get released. So far, we got a lot of new music, but we are mainly focused on different projects and new stuff which are not really fit to the sound of Afterlife. But this doesn’t mean that we don’t have absolutely anything in next few months, it might happen.

SRB: Nemamo mnogo planova kada su u pitanju izdanja za Afterlife. Može se desiti, sa njima je uvek sve u poslednjem momentu. Radimo na traci dva, tri meseca dok ne bude spremna za izdavanje. Za sada imamo puno nove muzike, ali smo uglavnom fokusirani na različite projekte i nove stvari koje nisu u skladu sa zvukom Afterlife-a. Ali to ne znači da u narednih nekoliko meseci nemamo apsolutno ništa, sve je moguće.

Još jednom… Hvala.

Once again…Thank you.


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Autor: Igor