Najveći svetski DJ-evi traže od publike da doniraju svoj novac njihovim „Tour” menadzerima?? KO JE OVDE LUD?

 Najveći svetski DJ-evi traže od publike da doniraju svoj novac njihovim „Tour” menadzerima?? KO JE OVDE LUD?

Krajem aprila najveći svetski DJ-evi i producenti kao što su Carl Cox, The Martinez Brothers, Joseph Capriati, Dubfire, Nicole Moudaber, Seth Troxler i mnogi mnogi drugi su napravili kampanju pod nazivom “Tour Managers Not Touring (TNT)” koja bi pomogla njihovim “Tour” menadzerima da se izbore sa krizom koja ih je zadesila zbog pandemije korona virusom. 

Akcija je pokrenuta 27. aprila i trebala je da sadrži 27 setova tj. preko 31 sata muzike. Svaki ljubitelj muzike koji donira pet dolara bi dobio pristup ovim setovima. Video je objavljen na facebook stranici “Stadium Artists” koja obrisala tu objavu sa svoje stranice i ogroman broj negativnih komentara publike kao što su: PA ŠTO IM VI NE POMOGNETE, SVI STE MILIONERI, bolje da donirate u humanitarne svrhe, a vaše menadzere da platite sami, kako možete da tražite sredstva od publike, pa pola nas je posao izgubilo i tako dalje i tako dalje.

Nedugo nakon tog objavljivanja DJ i producent  John Askew je objavio svoj video na instagramu koji je bukvalno naterao da ovu “suludu” kampanju prekinu i pre nego što je počela. John je snimio video koji nam lepo dočarava šta ovi MILIONERI traže od svoje publike :).

John Askew: Da li sam lepo razumeo: Da svi mi doniramo novac kupovinom njihovih setova, a ta novčana sredstva će oni donirati svojim menadzerima kako bi oni prebrodili krizu jer nema nigde na svetu nastupa i oni nemaju posla. KO JE OVDE LUD?

Mnogi veliki DJ-evi su podržali video Johna kao što su Maceo Plex, Dave Clarke, Cassy koja je prenela njegov video na svom nalogu, pa tu su još i Robert Dietz, Tobi Neumann itd. Naravno u raspravu su se uključili i pokretači ove akcije i pokušali su da se opravdaju kako znaju i umeju. 

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THIS. IS. AN. UTTER. SCANDAL. Out of desperation for income in these trying times the tour managers of some of worlds richest DJs launch a mix series to try and raise donations from the public to help keep themselves afloat while out of work. And then the millionaires they work for have the audacity to beg and plead to the general public to get involved / donate give money I’m guessing so that they don’t have to themselves!!!??. What the actual fuck???????? So the DJs in question are not covering the basic costs of the loyal warriors that baby sit them 24/7 during normal touring periods????? And not only that but they’re then asking you – the out of work / broke / skint general public to put your hand in your pocket to help cover these costs – so they don’t have to??????? Am I loosing my mind here or did what I just watched actually happen? I’m truly lost for words, shocked and a little sad. Shame on the managers who advised these DJs that this was a good idea. Some of these DJs were heroes to me but now any / all respect I had has been lost. If you are one of the tour managers who work for the DJs in this video I feel deeply deeply sorry for you. You’re at their side wiping their ass every second of every day while on tour and now they won’t repay the favour by helping you with a few chunks of change from their VAST wealth????? It’s as scandalous as Victoria Beckham trying to furlough all her staff so that the tax payer could cover their costs. Luckily though – she saw sense and reversed the request when public outrage subtly reminded her she’s a fucking millionaire a hundred times over so can cover those costs out of the coins in her solid gold handbag. This lock down brings out good in some but horrors in others. If you’re going to donate to anything – donate to the NHS or your own country’s front line medical services.

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