Adriatique: Mi smo super uzbudjeni što konačno stižemo na EXIT mts Dance Arenu!
Sjajni duo Adriatique koga čine Adrian Shala i Adrian Schweizer ove godine debituje na čuvenoj Exit mts Dance Areni, a upravo je ovaj duo izdvojio malo vremena za naš portal i odgovarao na pitanja kako naših fanova tako i redakcije.
ENG: Hi guys! You are coming to mts Dance Arena, what’s the feeling?
SRB: Ćao momci! Stižete na Exit mts Dance Arenu, kakav je osećaj?
ENG: We are following EXIT Festival for quite some time. A close friend from us even organized Tickets in Zurich for people who wanted to go there. He was part of the international promotion team. There were/are a few major goals for us in terms of festivals, clubs or labels and the Dance Arena was def. one of them, so we are very excited for the show.
SRB: Mi pratimo Exit Festival već duže vreme. Jedan naš blizak prijatelj je čak I organizovao karte za Exit Festival u Cirihu za ljude koje su hteli da idu. On je bio deo internacionalnog promo tima. Postoje par festivala I klubova koji su na našoj listi koje smo želeli ili I dalje želimo da posetimo I Dance Arena je na toj listi, tako da smo jako uzbudjeni što dolazimo.
ENG: Uuuh, I have to ask you this immediately 🙂 You’ve performed on the mountain at Cercle party, your set was amazing! Did you prepare for that performance?
SRB: Uuuh, ovo mora odmah da vas pitamo. Puštali ste na planini u okviru Cerle žurke, vaš set je bio savršen! Da li ste se pripremali za ovaj set?
ENG: Thank you. In this case we did. As its only 90 Minutes and we wanted to set a certain vibe the first part was prepared and then we had a few options to go from there. The sunset, the surrounding Alps and the people made it easy to find a good ending.
SRB: Hvala vam. U ovom slučaju mi smo se spremali. Set je trajao samo 90 minuta I mi smo želeli da ima neki vajb u prvom delu seta koji je bio pripremljen, a za drugi deo smo imali par opcija. Zalazak Sunca, okruženje Alpa I ljudi su nam tako olakšali posao da nadjemo sjajan završetak.
ENG: Generally, do you prepare music for your performances?
SRB: Generalno, da li pripremate muziku za svoje setove?
ENG: We always listen to a lot of new music before shows, but preparing a full set is very rare. Sometimes we like to discuss and set how we start so we both are on the same page and then we let the duo thing happen which when it works lets us be more creative and surprise ourselves and the crowd.
SRB: Mi uvek slušamo dosta nove muzike pre nastupa, ali da pripremamo ceo set je baš retko. Ponekad mi volimo da diskutujemo kako ćemo otvoriti set da obojica budemo na istoj strani, a onda pustimo da se desi duo ono što mi zapravo i jesmo i da budemo kreativni i da iznenadimo jedno drugo kao i publiku.
ENG: You are literally booked every weekend, how difficult is it to find the strength and inspiration for so many trips and performances? One weekend Europe, next month Asia, then again Europe…
SRB: Vi ste bukvalno zauzeti svaki vikend, koliko je teško naći snage I inspiracije za toliko mnogo putovanja I nastupa? Jedan vikend u Evopi, sledeći mesec u Aziji, pa opet Evropa.
ENG: Actually, we talked about that quite often. For example, if we should take more time off during the year but it seems it doesn’t work for us. We do take some time off at the beginning of the year and even though this seems to be our busiest season, I see some free time here and there which is possible if the planning is well and way in advance. Very important is a good team.
SRB: Ustvari, mi pričamo u vezi toga jako često. Na primer ako mora da uzmemo više slobodnog vremena u toku godinu, ali izgleda da to ne pali kod nas. Mi uzmemo odmor početkom godine iako je to pravilu jako zauzet deo sezone, ako je moguće isplaniramo gostovanja unapred. Jako je bitno da imate dobar tim.
ENG: We’ve had a survey on our site to let our fans ask you some questions, one of the most common questions was – What is the most important thing to you as a DJ? How do you succeed? Is it production, contacts, mixing or luck 🙂
ENG: Imali smo anketu na našem sajtu da vas naši pratioci pitaju ono što žele, jedno od najčešćih pitanja je bilo – Koja je najvažnija stvar po vama kada je upitanju DJ? Kako uspeti? Da li je to produkcija, kontakti, miksovanje ili jednostavno sreća?
ENG: I think the answer to this is quite subjective. We were DJing for years before we got into production which definitely helped us to get recognized of course. On a personal note: mixing, selection and background in different genres are very important to both of us as we come from a pretty old school approach and went to all the different developments form a technical side. Contacts and luck are playing a role too but what might stand above all is being yourself. Do what you love the most. We think that’s the only way to stand out and that’s what other people will remember and differentiates you from others.
SRB: Mislim da je odgovor na ovo pitanje mnogo subjektivan. Mi smo se bavili DJ-ingom godinama pre nego što smo počeli sa produkcijom koja je je zasigurno pomogla da nas prepoznaju. Onako privatno što se tiče nas: miksovanje, izbor traka u različitim stilovima su veoma važni nama obojici jer mi može se reći potičemo iz stare škole kroz koju smo prošli razne faze od razvoja pa do tehničkih stvari. Kontakti I sreća su takodje, može se reći bitni, ali ono što stoji iznad svega toga je biti ono što jesi. Radi ono što najviše voliš. Mi mislimo da je to jedini način da se istakneš od ostalih I to je ono što će ljudi da zapamte i da te izdvoji od drugih.
ENG: How would you describe your music right now, mix of?
SRB: Kako bi ste opisali vašu muziku sada? Miks čega?
ENG: That’s always a bit difficult for ourselves to describe but it’s definitely a romantic, emotional mix of house and techno which always has a certain depth and warmth to it.
SRB: To nam je oduvek bilo jako teško da odgovorimo I da opišemo, ali definitivno je miks romantičnog, emocijalnog zajedno sa miksom house-a I techno zvuka koji ima određenu dubinu I toplinu u sebi.
ENG: You’ve been together for ten years now as Adriatique. You are best friends? Can you please tell us the secret of working together for more than 10 years without any fights?
SRB: Vi ste već deset godina duo Adriatique. Vi ste najbolji prijatelji? Da li nam možete reći tajnu, kako uspevate da radite već deset godina zajedno, a da se ne posvadjate?
ENG: 10 years is longtime. Almost everything we achieved, the ups and downs we experienced together. This won’t last without fights though. It’s even healthy at times. The secret is not secret at all. There was a reason we met, there was a reason that we decided to go on this path together. We complement each other. There is a co-dependence which is responsible for our success. We know what we have found in eachother.
SRB: 10 godina je dug period. Uspeli smo skoro sve, uspesi I padovi koje smo zajedno proživeli. Nemoj da mislite da nije bilo svadja, nekad je to I zdravo. Tajna je da uopste nema tajne. Postoji sigurno razlog zašto smo se sreli, postoji razlog zašto smo I pošli ovim putem zajedno – mi dopunjavamo jedno drugog. Postoji neka medjusobna zavisnost izmedju nas dvoje koja je odgovona za naš uspeh. Mi znamo šta smo pronašli jedno u drugom.
ENG: Where do you see Adriatique evolving as a group, in the short and long term? Are you also pursuing other projects independently or is this your main focus? Just Adriatique
SRB: Kako vidite da se Adriatique razvija kao grupa u kratkom vremenskom periodu I na duže staze?
ENG: Adriatique is and will always be our main focus. Of course, it’s possible that here and there will be some interesting projects for both of us. But mostly of all our ideas are aligned to Adriatique and Siamese. We have so much in our mind that there is enough to bring to live in the next years.
SRB: Adriatique će zasigurno biti naš glavni fokus. Takodje moguće je da će u budućnosti biti nekih zanimljivih projekata za nas obojicu, nikad se ne zna. Ali većina naših ideja su povezana sa Adriatique I “Siamase”. Imamo još tako mnogo u našim glavama što mora da ispunimo u narednih nekoliko godina.
ENG: In the end, what are your plans for the future and what would you say to your fans in Serbia who are coming to Exit Dance Arena?
SRB: I na kraju, koji su vaši planovi za budućnost I šta imate da poručite vašim fanovima u Srbiji koj dolaze na Exit Dance Arenu?
ENG: We have a busy touring schedule until end of the year. After the summer, there will be some very interesting releases on our imprint Siamese. Also, the Album Remixes for our Album are in the final stages so you will hear about that very soon. Our 10 years Adriatique tour named “X” will be announced in the near future.
As we said before we are super excited to finally enter the Dance Arena and hopefully have a wonderful time with all of you!
ENG: Imamo jako zauzetu turneju do kraja godine. Posle leta, biće dosta nekih zanimljivih izdanja na našem lejblu “Siamese”. Takodje album remiksa je u finalnoj fazi, tako da ćete čuti uskoro više u vezi toga. Naša turneja povodom deset godina Adriatique-a je nazvana “X” I biće uskoro objavljena.
Kao što smo rekli već pre, mi smo super uzbudjeni što konačno stižemo na Dance Arenu I nadamo se super vremenu sa svima vama.