Intervju sa Francescom Lombardo :: Interview with Francesca Lombardo
SRB: Francesca Lombardo je uspela da izdvoji malo vremena za naš portal i popričamo o njenim počecima, kao i o njenom prvom gostovanju na Exit Festivalu i čuvenoj Dance Areni.
ENG: Francesca Lombardo was able to set aside some time for our website and talk about her beginnings, as well as her first show at Exit Festival and the famous Dance Arena.
SRB: Ko je Francesca Lombardo? Ti si posvetila ceo svoj život muzici, kako si uopšte došla u dodir sa elektronskom muzikom?
ENG: Who is Francesca Lombardo? You committed your entire life to music, how did you get in touch with electro music at the first place?
SRB: Kada sam bila tinejdžer moja porodica je imala restoran u Nemačkoj. Ja sam dosta putovala na relaciji Italija – Nemačka i moj ujak je puštao zaista sjajnu muziku u autu dok smo putovali i to Mike Oldfield, Kraftwerk, Everything but the girl, Blondie i mnoge druge. To su moji omiljeni momenti iz detinjstva i ja zaista elektronsku muziku osećam još od malih nogu.
ENG: When I was a teenager my family used to have a restaurant in Germany. I was travelling back and forth from Italy to Germany to visit and my uncle used to play some amazing music on our trips in the car. Mike Oldfield, Kraftwerk, Everything but the girl, Blondie etc. These are some of my favorite childhood moments and the electronic I fell in love with from a very early age.
SRB: Zašto Techno?
ENG: Why Techno?
SRB: Upustila sam se u tehno scenu kada sam se preselila u London. Volela sam taj “groove”, a mi smo ga zvali “the running horses”. Ja volim tu energiju i vajb koji tehno stvara u prostoru. Toliko sam bila opčinjena scenom i nije mnogo prošlo od kako sam ja počela da puštam na rejvovima po celom gradu.
ENG: I got involved in the techno scene in London when I moved there. I loved the grooves – we used to call it “the running horses”. I loved the energy and the vibe that techno could create in the room. I was so consumed by the scene and it wasn’t long before started to play at the raves all over the city.
SRB: Da li je teško devojci u ovoj branši, da li si se ikad pronašla u nekoj situaciji ženske diskriminacije?
ENG: Is it hard for a girl in this branch, have you ever encountered any kind of discrimination?
SRB: NE, nisam. Ja sam oduvek bila poštovana kao osoba i muzičar. Ja volim moj posao kao i sve oko njega.
ENG: No, I haven’t. I have always been respected as a person and musician. I love my job and the environment around it.
SRB: Nije lako biti NE – komercijalan DJ, kako se ti boriš sa ovom vrstom problema?
ENG: It’s not easy to be non-commercial DJ, how do you handle this kind of problems?
SRB: Ja mislim obrnuto baš, nije lako biti komercijalni DJ. Barem na našoj sceni većina ljudi ovo radi zato što zaista vole svoju muziku. Ja volim svaki momenat nje, da produciram muziku, puštam muziku i da tražim novu.
ENG: I think the opposite, it can’t be easy being a commercial DJ. At least in our scene most people do it for the love of the music. I love every moment of it, be it writing music – performing music – searching for music.
SRB: Koji DJ-evi su imali najveći uticaj na tebe i tvoju muziku?
ENG: Which DJs had most influence on you and your music?
SRB: Chris Liberator, Dave the Drummer, Dave Clark, Carl Cox, Derrick May, DJ Murphy i mnogi drugi dj-evi koje smatram tehnički sjajne dj-eve. Gledam ih već godinama kako puštaju, obično onako iskreno “blenem” u njih. Oni svi imaju sjajne veštine i naročito vrhunske veštine miksanja.
ENG: Chris Liberator, Dave the Drummer, Dave Clark, Carl Cox, Derrick May, DJ Murphy and many other dj’s who I consider technical mixers. I watched them playing for years, usually staring at them. They all have great skills and especially amazing mixing techniques.
SRB: Nabroj nam pet DJ-eva ili producenata koji su ostavili najveći znak na elektronskoj sceni po tebi i zašto?
ENG: Name 5 dj’s/producers that left the biggest mark on electro music scene by your opinion and why?
SRB: Kraftwerk – oni su pioniri elektronske muzike. KRAJ!
Jean Michelle Jarre – on ne da je samo sjajan producent već njegovi nastupi su puni iskustva. Sintisajzeri, rasveta, vatra i vrhunske veštine. Njegov šov vam pokazuje koliko možeš otići nastupajući sa mašinama i elektronskim zvukom. On koristi analogni deo mašine koji dozvoljava čoveku da svira njegove melodije.
Brian Eno – još jedan sjajan producent koji je imao uticaj na svetsku muziku, pogotovo na elektronsku ambijentalnu muziku. On je čovek koji stoji iza mnogih velikih imena elektronske muzike i on je velika inspiracija za mene.
Derrick May, Juan Atkins and Kevin Saunderson – Oni su pioniri Detroitskog tehna i imali su uticaj na skoro sve DJ-eve na planeti i ako nisi inspirisan sa njima onda nešto nije uredu. Richie Hawtin, on je jedan od glavnih protagonista minimal tehno muzike. On je DJ koji gleda unapred i verovatno prvi koji je puštao zajedno sa vinilima i lap-top-om u isto vreme. Njegov uticaj u poslednjoj deceniji po korišćenju digitalne opreme i lap-topova je ogromna i velika, a otvorio je skroz novi svet za DJ-eve!
ENG: Kraftwerk – they are the pioneers of electronic music. Full Stop
Jean Michelle Jarre – he is not only a great producer but his performances and shows are a full on experience. Synths, lights, fire and amazing skills. He shows how far you can go with performing with machines and electronic sounds. He uses any analogue piece of machine available to man to play his melodies.
Brian Eno – another great producer who has influenced the world of music and electronic ambient music especially. He is the man behind many great artists in the electronic music scene and a great inspiration to me.
Derrick May, Juan Atkins and Kevin Saunderson – They are the pioneers of Detroit Techno and influenced nearly every DJ on the planet, and if you are not inspired by them, then there is something wrong. Richie Hawtin, he is on of the main protagonist of minimal techno. He is a forward thinking DJ and probably the first to have played with vinyls and laptop at the same time. His influence in the last decade in using digital equipment and laptops has been remarkable and opened up a whole new world for DJs.
SRB: Neki DJ iz Srbije kojeg bi komentarisala?
ENG: Any DJs from Serbia you could comment on?
SRB: Marko Nastić! Puštala sam sa njim na nekoliko nastupa u Londonu davnih dana. Sjajan zvuk, vrhunski DJ i jako kul osoba.
ENG: Marko Nastic! I have played a couple of gigs with him in London back in the day. Lovely sound, great dj, very cool person.
SRB: Ove godine ćeš dodati novo poglavlje u svojoj biografiji – tvoj debitanski album. Reci nam nešto o tome?
ENG: This year you will add a new chapter to your music biography – your debut album. Tell us something about that…?
SRB: Verovatno je skroz drugačije od onoga što svi očekuju. Jako je slikovit, ja pevam na skoro svakoj traci i to je deo mog života. Uradila sam i live snimak koji će ići uz njega, koji uključuje klasične muzičare. Izvodim različite verzije koje uključuju od gudačkog kvarteta, pa do punog simfonijskog orkestra. Već smo odradili nekoliko specijalnih nastupa po svetu, ali se jako veselim što ću uraditi nešto posvećeno nastupima uživo.
ENG: It’s probably very different from what everyone is expecting. It’s very colorful, I sing on nearly every track and it’s a chapter of my life. I have created a live to go with it, which involves classically trained musicians. I perform it in different versions with anything from a string quartet to a full symphony orchestra. We have already done a few special shows around the world, but I am looking forward to doing some dedicated live touring.
SRB: Dolaziš prvi put na Exit Festival, koja su tvoja očekivanja?
ENG: You are coming for the first time on Exit Festival, and what are your expectations?
SRB: Jako sam uzbudjena što dolazim u Srbiju i ja sam samo čula dobre stvari o Exitu i festivalu. Očekujem jako pozitivnu energiju od početka do kraja i dolazak u Srbiju je za mene nešto novo i jako se radujem tome.
ENG: I am just very excited to come to Serbia and I have only heard very good things about Exit as a festival. I am expecting a very positive vibe from start to finish and just going to Serbia is something new to be looking forward to.
SRB: Da li ti je poznata srpska publika? Jako puno pozitivne energije je ovde i sigurni smo da ćeš je i ti osetiti?
ENG: Are you familiar with Serbian crowd, there is a lot of positive energy here and we are sure that you will feel it to. 🙂
SRB: Čula sam zaista sjajne stvari o srpskoj publici, da morate da tražite dugo i snažno za još bolju energiju i vajb, tako da sam jako uzvudjena zbog mog seta zatvaranja na Dens Areni.
ENG: I have heard great things about the Serbian Crowd. I hear that you have to look long and hard for a better vibe and energy, so I am excited for my closing set on the Dance Stage!!!