Intervju sa Guy J-em :: Interview with Guy J
SRB: Uspeli smo da odradimo intervju sa jednim od najboljih progresiv DJ-eva na svetu Guy J-om koji nam ujedno i stiže po prvi put u Srbiju 12. decembra u jedan od najboljih beogradskih klubova The Tube.
ENG: We managed to do an interview with one of the best progressive DJ’s in the world – Guy J, who is comingfor the first time in Serbia on 12. december in one of the best Belgrade clubs The Tube.
SRB: Konačno dolaziš u Srbiju, da li si svestan koliko imaš fanova ovde i koliko jedva čekaju da te napokon čuju uživo?
ENG: you are finally coming to Serbia, are you aware of many fans you have here, and their great desire to finnaly see you live?
SRB: Jedva čekam da dodjem i da vas upoznam sve.
ENG: I’m so looking forward to come over!!! I can’t wait to meet everyone!!!
SRB: Šta publika može očekivati od tebe na tvom prvom nastupu u Srbiji?
ENG: What can the audience expect from you on your first appearance in Serbia?
SRB: Puštaću dosta nove muzike, bilo je jako puno zauzetih dana za mene u studiju i jedva čekam da to sve podelim sa ljudima u Srbiji.
ENG: I’ll be playing a lot of new music, it’s been busy, busy days for me in the studio and I can’t wait to share it all with the people in Serbia.
SRB: Tvoji setovi su puni energije, prema tebi, šta čini dobar set?
ENG: Your sets are full of energy, according to you, what makes a good set?
SRB: Za mene je to prosto, dobra muzika i dobra publika.
ENG: For me it is simply: good music & a good crowd.
SRB: Neki budući projekti koje želiš da podeliš sa čitaocima Onlyclubbing-a?
ENG: Any upcoming projects you’d like to share with Onlyclubbing readers?
SRB: Dosta nove muzike će izaći na mom lejblu “Lost & Found”, izdaće nove trake DJ-eve kao što su Cid Inc., Nick Muir, Pedro Aguiar i mnogi drugi, pa držite oči i uši otvorenim. Takodje ako do sad niste čekirali sjajni LP “Time” od strane Guy Mantzur & Sahar Z koji je upravo izdat, obavezno treba da preslušate.
ENG: There is a lot of music coming out on my Lost & Found label, by artists such as Cid Inc., Nick Muir, Pedro Aguiar and many more, so keep your eyes looking and ears listening. Also, if you haven’t checked the amazing “Time” LP by Guy Mantzur & Sahar Z, that has just been released, you really should!
SRB: Puštaš muziku po celom svetu, po tvom mišljenju gde je najbolja publika?
ENG: You play music all over the world, in your opinion, where is the best audience?
SRB: Teško je reći, pošto je publika sjajna po celum svetu, ali sada trenutno ja mislim da je najbolja publika u Argentini, tamo je uvek magično u klubovima. Ako budete imali prilike da putujete tamo, obavezno idite, zaista je sjajna zemlja.
ENG: It’s hard to say, because there are amazing audiences all around the world, but right now I think the best audience would be in Argentina, there is always magic in the clubs there. If you ever get the chance to travel there you should – it is an amazing country.
SRB: Tvoja produkcija je puna emocija, gde nalaziš inspiraciju za sve tvoje trake?
ENG: Your productions are full of emotions, where do you find inspiration for all your tracks?
SRB: Ja dobijam inspiraciju od putovanja svo vreme i ljudi od kojih upoznajem, moj lični život takodje ima uticaja naravno. Teško je kreirati iskrenu muziku, ali trudim se.
ENG: I get inspiration from traveling all the time and from the people I meet, my personal life also has a touch, of course. It’s challenging to create honest music, but I’m getting there.
SRB: I pre nego što odeš, da li imaš neku poruku za fanove u Srbiji?
ENG: Last thing before you go, do you have a last message for fans in Serbia?
SRB: Dolazim da dam sve od sebe, uradite isto 🙂 Vidimo se tamo!
ENG: I’m coming to bring my best, do the same 🙂 c u there!